First Violins

Aisylu Saifullina

In the orchestra since 2023

Aisylu Saifullina graduated from the Zagir Ismagilov Ufa State Institute of Arts (Professor A.A. Shisman’ds class) and postgraduate studies at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (class of Professor S.G. Girshenko, People’s Artist of Russia, 2013). She is the laureate of Russian and international competitions.

Since 2007 she has been an artist, soloist, and one of the concertmasters of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Volga Region. Since 2008 she has regularly participated in sessions of the CIS Youth Symphony Orchestra. From 2010 to 2014 she worked as an artist of the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia “Evgeny Svetlanov”. From 2014 to 2022 she was an artist of the St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Honoured Ensemble of Russia.

She is one of the concertmasters and soloist of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Youth Chamber Orchestra and Singolo Orchestra.

As a soloist she has collaborated with the National Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Karelian State Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the National State Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania — a branch of the Mariinsky Theatre, and the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre.

In its properties and nuances of playing it, the violin is akin to microsurgery — there are no trifles here. Moreover, the instrument gives the musician away to the public completely — with all one’s strengths and weaknesses. The stage, like a magnifying glass, enhances what the musician conveys, and so the feeling of unity with colleagues on stage also intensifies.
It is very important what you bring to the stage, what you are filled with, and what you are going to share. I think our task as performers is to convey love. That's exactly what I say to myself before I come out to the audience: "I love you all." It seems to me that this state helps to create the right atmosphere of charge and shift the focus of attention. Nothing helps so much to battle stage fright as regular interaction with the audience. It is on stage — with a certain preparation, of course — that the artist grows above themselves.
I am an adept of Russian classics. Dostoevsky, Chekhov, and Bulgakov probably influenced me the most. However, it's Chekhov who I like to reread out of these three. Considering what I have been reading recently, I was really touched by Georgiy Daneliya's book "A Passenger Without a Ticket" — he writes very simply, subtly, ironically and touchingly about life, about interesting moments on the film set, and friends. Among my favourite films are Benigni's "Life is Beautiful", Zefirelli's "Romeo and Juliet", Daneliya's works, Lee Jeong Hyang's "The Way Home", and many others.
I am a fatalist to a great extent, so I largely trust the force that guides me, and I never cease to be surprised by it.

musicAeterna orchestra events


Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony №2 in C Minor (Resurrection Symphony) for soprano, alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1888–1894)

Allegro maestoso
Andante moderato
In ruhig fließender Bewegung | With quietly flowing movement
Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht | “Primal Light”. Very solemn, but simple
Im Tempo des Scherzos | In the tempo of the scherzo

Sofya Tsygankova, soprano
Maria Barakova, mezzo-soprano

The musicAeterna Orchestra
Conductor — Teodor Currentzis


Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, WAB 109 (1887–1896, unfinished)
I. Feierlich, misterioso
II. Scherzo. Bewegt, lebhaft; Trio. Schnell
III. Adagio. Langsam, feierlich

The musicAeterna Orchestra
Conductor — Teodor Currentzis


Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, WAB 109 (1887–1896, unfinished)
I. Feierlich, misterioso
II. Scherzo. Bewegt, lebhaft; Trio. Schnell
III. Adagio. Langsam, feierlich

The musicAeterna Orchestra
Conductor — Teodor Currentzis