Andrey Nemzer
In the choir since 2018
Andrey Nemzer is a countertenor who has been a soloist of the musicAeterna choir since 2018. He graduated from the Sveshnikov Choral College, the Popov Academy of Choral Art (Moscow), and a graduate programme of Duquesne University (USA). He is the winner of the Metropolitan Opera Eric and Dominique Laffont Competition (2012) and Placido Domingo’s Operalia Competition (2014; III Prize).
He was the lead singer of the Mendelssohn in Pittsburgh, a soloist of the Metropolitan Opera, the San Antonio Opera (USA), the Royal Theatre in Victoria (Canada), took part in the Opera Festival in Pittsburgh, the Salzburg Festival, and many others. He has performed with various vocal and instrumental ensembles including The Pocket Symphony conducted by Nazar Kozhukhar, the Intrada vocal ensemble conducted by Ekaterina Antonenko, Questa Musica ensemble conducted by Philipp Chizhevsky, the Berlin Philharmonic, and maestro Vladimir Yurovsky.
He performs as a soloist in numerous musical and theatrical projects.
musicAeterna choir events
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony No. 2 ‘Resurrection’ in C Minor
for soprano, alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1888–1894)
Allegro maestoso
Andante moderato
In ruhig fließender Bewegung | With quietly flowing movement
Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht | Primal Light. Very solemn, but simple
Im Tempo des Scherzos | In the tempo of the scherzo
Sofya Tsygankova, soprano
Yulia Vakula, mezzo-soprano
The musicAeterna Orchestra and Choir
Conductor — Teodor Currentzis
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony No. 2 ‘Resurrection’ in C Minor
for soprano, alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1888–1894)
Allegro maestoso
Andante moderato
In ruhig fließender Bewegung | With quietly flowing movement
Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht | Primal Light. Very solemn, but simple
Im Tempo des Scherzos | In the tempo of the scherzo
Sofya Tsygankova, soprano
Yulia Vakula, mezzo-soprano
The musicAeterna Orchestra and Choir
Conductor Teodor Currentzis
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony No. 2 ‘Resurrection’ in C Minor
for soprano, alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1888–1894)
Allegro maestoso
Andante moderato
In ruhig fließender Bewegung | With quietly flowing movement
Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht | Primal Light. Very solemn, but simple
Im Tempo des Scherzos | In the tempo of the scherzo
Sofya Tsygankova, soprano
Yulia Vakula, mezzo-soprano
The musicAeterna Orchestra and Choir
Conductor Teodor Currentzis
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony No. 2 ‘Resurrection’ in C Minor
for soprano, alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1888–1894)
Allegro maestoso
Andante moderato
In ruhig fließender Bewegung | With quietly flowing movement
Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht | Primal Light. Very solemn, but simple
Im Tempo des Scherzos | In the tempo of the scherzo
Sofya Tsygankova, soprano
Yulia Vakula, mezzo-soprano
The musicAeterna Orchestra and Choir
The Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir
Conductor Teodor Currentzis
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony No. 2 ‘Resurrection’ in C Minor
for soprano, alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1888–1894)
Allegro maestoso
Andante moderato
In ruhig fließender Bewegung | With quietly flowing movement
Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht | Primal Light. Very solemn, but simple
Im Tempo des Scherzos | In the tempo of the scherzo
Sofya Tsygankova, soprano
Yulia Vakula, mezzo-soprano
The musicAeterna Orchestra and Choir
The Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir
Conductor Teodor Currentzis