

Currentzis Lab presents a unique opportunity to find out what meanings the conductor invests in the interpretation of the composition, and to see how he achieves the realization of his ideas together with the musicians of the orchestra. Diving into the details of the score together with the conductor and the musicians allows you to […]
Time confides in our memory the essence of our existence, a conjugation of lost dreams, of ruined facts, mostly unfulfilled. In the labyrinth of this nebulous timeline, we must return to touch our real face behind the curtains of lost time… A new work by the video artists of NOIR Films takes us back to […]
Happy Easter to all who are celebrating it today. As our musical gift, we would like to share with you a video of the choirs musicAeterna and musicAeterna byzantina performing at Feodorovsky Cathedral.
Rex Tremendae by Alexey Retinsky for voice, piano, cello, electric guitar and percussion. In this work, the resident of Dom Radio reinterprets the requiem: in contrast to the austerely lapidary compositions by Mozart and Verdi, addressed to God on behalf of all mankind, he builds an intimate monologue of the soul. Retinsky works with a […]
October 25, 1893 (old style) was the day Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky died. On this memorial day, we are sharing with you a recording of a music piece which sounds particularly touching given the occasion. Ukrainian composer Valentin Silvestrov (b. 1937) has written a cycle titled “October 25, 1893 (In Memory of P.I. Tchaikovsky)”. The cycle […]
The best violinist of the 18th century who had served the Salzburg archbishop 100 years before Mozart; the greatest composer of the pre-Bach era (according to P. Hindemith); creator of the “Rosary” for violin, the Salzburg mass for 53 voices and an array of sacred and worldly music pieces which showcased his masterful technique, energetic […]