Dmitry Borodin
In the orchestra since 2019
Dmitriy Borodin was born in Omsk, Russia. In 2018 he graduated from I.V. Bochkova’s class at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory.
Dmitriy Borodin is a scholar of the Spivakov International Charity Fund. He is a laureate of the Bobylev All-Russian Violin Competition, the Yankelevich First International Violin Competition, the All-Russian “Young Russian Talents” competition (where he also got the Audience Choice Award), and the Abadzhiev International Violin Competition (Sofia, Bulgaria).
In 2011–2013, he was the concertmaster at the Central Music College orchestra at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory. In 2013–2017, he was the concertmaster at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory student orchestra.
Dmitriy Borodin was the concertmaster at the World Youth Symphonic Orchestra at the World Youth and Student Festival (Sochi), as well as the first violin at R. Zamuruev’s Mobilis soloist ensemble. Since 2019, Dmitriy Borodin has been part of the musicAeterna orchestra conducted by Teodor Currentzis.
musicAeterna orchestra events
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony №2 in C Minor (Resurrection Symphony) for soprano, alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1888–1894)
Allegro maestoso
Andante moderato
In ruhig fließender Bewegung | With quietly flowing movement
Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht | “Primal Light”. Very solemn, but simple
Im Tempo des Scherzos | In the tempo of the scherzo
Sofya Tsygankova, soprano
Maria Barakova, mezzo-soprano
The musicAeterna Orchestra
Conductor — Teodor Currentzis
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, WAB 109 (1887–1896, unfinished)
I. Feierlich, misterioso
II. Scherzo. Bewegt, lebhaft; Trio. Schnell
III. Adagio. Langsam, feierlich
The musicAeterna Orchestra
Conductor — Teodor Currentzis
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, WAB 109 (1887–1896, unfinished)
I. Feierlich, misterioso
II. Scherzo. Bewegt, lebhaft; Trio. Schnell
III. Adagio. Langsam, feierlich
The musicAeterna Orchestra
Conductor — Teodor Currentzis