July 22 — July 23

Sergey Sukhovik's master class on Circuit bending

Registration is closed


The Experimental Sound Laboratory at Dom Radio continues the educational program with an intensive on Circuit Bending from Sergei Sukhovik. This will be the first event of the “Electronics” series — events where participants will assemble musical instruments using electronic circuits developed in the laboratory.


The author of the course, Sergey Sukhovik, is a sound artist and musician working in the field of electronic sound and the creation of intuitive instruments. Founder of the labels still*sleep and semperflorens, as well as a projects Exit in Grey, Ion and Sophus, Радиосон, Five Elements Music, and Sister Loolomie.


Sergei Sukhovik
July 22 — July 23

Sergey Sukhovik's master class on Circuit bending

Registration is closed