An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
June 23, 18:00

Physical drama Okho

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a physical drama
set to music by Iannis Xenakis and Joseph Tompkins
Choreographer: Vladimir Varnava


Iannis Xenakis (1922–2001)
Rebonds A/B for percussion solo (1987–1989)
Okho for three djembe (1989)

Joseph Tompkins (b. 1970)
To Varese for percussion solo (2015)

Iannis Xenakis
Persephassa, percussion sextet (1969)


musicAeterna Dance
Artistic director: Anna Guseva
Choreographer: Anastasia Peshkova

Moscow Percussion Ensemble
Artistic director: Andrey Volosovsky


Okho is a physical drama for nine dancers of musicAeterna Dance and six percussionists of the Moscow Percussion Ensemble. The drama is based on cosmogonic myths that in one way or another interpret the theme of the transformation of Chaos into Cosmos (Order). The stage action unfolds between dancers and musicians in a common field of attraction and repulsion, creation and destruction. In the juxtaposition of movements, intense pulsation of percussive timbres and rhythms, the drama participants explore the limits of their physical abilities to discover where the body ends and pure energy begins.

The performance Okho follows the ideas of the Greek classical yet avant-garde composer and architect Iannis Xenakis which he expressed in his music for percussion instruments.


musicAeterna Dance, Moscow Percussion Ensemble, Andrey Volosovsky, musicAeterna
June 23, 18:00

Physical drama Okho

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