An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
An event of Diaghilev Festival
June 27, 21:00

Dusapin: opera Passion


Libretto by Pascal Dusapin and Rita de Letteriis

Director Anna Guseva
Musical Director and Conductor Teodor Currentzis
The musicAeterna Orchestra, soloists, the musicAeterna Dance troupe


Pascal Dusapin is one of the most successful composers in modern France, a student of Iannis Xenakis, a graduate of the Sorbonne, and a long-time participant in the Diaghilev Festival. In 2012, he personally attended the premiere of the opera MedeaMaterial presented in Perm. This time the festival addresses his opera Passion (18+) written in 2007. Its plot is based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. An hour and a half action is a time-stretched moment of their parting. Music flexibly follows the dynamics of feelings, as joy, fear, desire, pain, ecstasy, sadness, anger and love alternate in it. The original interpretation of one of the most important works of the 21st century will be presented by the Musical Director of the production Teodor Currentzis, Director Anna Guseva, and the artists of the musicAeterna Orchestra and Choir.


musicAeterna, musicAeterna Dance, musicAeterna soloists, Teodor Currentzis

Dusapin: opera Passion