March 6, 21:00

Presentation of Alexey Retinsky's Album "Zero Point"


In Dom Radio will host the presentation of Zero Point, a new album by our resident composer Alexey Retinsky. The release includes four big music installations written by the composer in collaboration with European exhibition, theatre and urban projects.

The title track of Zero Point is focused on an excessive amount of information in modern world. Retinsky creates an anthology of surrounding sounds: from Hollywood movies to factory machine tools, from classical music to everyday noises. By the end of the track, the flow of sounds dissolves into the meditative space, which is the zero point, or the point of non-existence.

The album includes three more compositions. Madrigal to Be Here is dedicated to an old brewery in Graz, Austria, that will be demolished in order to build a new stadium. The track Africa is inspired by the recorded interviews of the German writer, human rights and anti-apartheid activist Ruth Weiss with the indigenous population of Africa. Hamlet is a sound installation played for the audience before the performance Hamlet. Babylon.


Alexey Retinsky, Noir Films
March 6, 21:00

Presentation of Alexey Retinsky's Album "Zero Point"