musicAeterna Dance was formed in 2022 and is based at Dom Radio in Saint Petersburg. In the course of the season, the dancers will practise with Russian and foreign choreographers and participate in ballet, opera, and performative productions.
The musicAeterna Dance concept is based on an interdisciplinary approach. The collaboration of dancers with musicians of the musicAeterna orchestra and choir turns into a creative symbiosis, an experience in recreating the ancient Greek trinity of ‘muse arts’: poetry, dance, and music. In choreography, academic and non-academic directions come into contact with physical theatre and vernacular plastics.
MusicAeterna Dance turns to various techniques and languages of modern dance, uses elements of meditation, yoga, and circus practices.
It is based on the principles of the theatre of the absurd, Peter Brook’s and Jerzy Grotowski’s ‘total theatre’, ‘dance theatre’ by Pina Bausch, Japanese Buto dance, flying-low, and countertechnique. It is looking for fundamentally new, yet to be discovered directions.
Choreographer Anastasia Peshkova will create a dance theatre laboratory together with artistic director Teodor Currentzis and director Anna Guseva. Experiment, drive, and freedom determined the development of Peshkova as a performer in the productions of Ballet Moscow, festival projects, work with choreographers Anna Abalikhina, Konstantin Keichel, Kirill Radev, and Francesco Ventriglia. She follows the same guidelines as a choreographer of musicAeterna Dance.
Among the guest choreographers of musicAeterna Dance are such prominent figures as the legend of Russian modern dance, guru for many generations Nina Gasteva, freelance choreographer, author of her own dance language Nanine Linning, and one of the most sought-after Russian choreographers Vladimir Varnava.

Anna Guseva
Anna Guseva is an artist, theatre, film, and fashion director. Since 2014 she has been a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. She took part in the 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, exhibitions in Paris, Dusseldorf, Bruges, etc. She created paintings and public art objects, costumes for theatre, video, and performance.