December 22, 20:00

Concert “Correspondence. Vladimir Martynov, Polina Osetinskaya"

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Arvo Pärt
Variations on the recovery of Arinushka
Fur alina

Valentin Silvestrov
Kitsch music
I. Allegro vivace
II. Moderato
III. Allegretto
IV. Moderato
V. Allegretto

Mikhail Alperin
At Home
To F.Chopin

Georg Pelecis – Vladimir Martynov

Duration: 110 minutes


On 22 December at 20:00, the pianist Polina Osetinskaya and composer and pianist Vladimir Martynov, one of the fathers of Russian minimalism, will give a concert at Dom Radio.

The composer Georgs Pelēcis once sent a piece of music to his friend Vladimir Martynov, to which Martynov responded with his own musical piece. Thus began a “correspondence”, and many years later, it evolved into a composition of the same name. In 2012, Polina Osetinskaya and Vladimir Martynov played it at the Diaghilev Festival, and on 22 December, they will perform “Correspondence” again at Dom Radio in St. Petersburg.

In the first part, Polina Osetinskaya will perform other works of the epistolary music genre. These are letters to loved ones, friends, “understanding” contemporaries or distant predecessors.


Polina Osetinskaya, Vladimir Martynov
December 22, 20:00

Concert “Correspondence. Vladimir Martynov, Polina Osetinskaya"

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