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Dance performance by Anastasia Peshkova
Daria Pavlenko
musicAeterna Dance 

Production team:
Anastasia Peshkova — the author of the idea, Director, Choreographer
Yulia Orlova — Production Designer
Kirill Arkhipov – Composer
Denis Odum – Sound Engineer
Olga Potapova – Playwright
Alexey Bondarenko – Technical Director
Daria Tretyakova – Executive Producer
Miroslava Kosechenko – mA Dance Manager
Anna Guseva – mA Dance Artistic Director

Daria Pavlenko, prima ballerina

Olga Komok, voice, hurdy-gurdy, organetto
musicAeterna Dance Troupe:
Aigulya Buzayeva
Timur Ganeyev
Evgeny Kalachev
Maksim Klochnev
Savva Korotych
Elena Lisnaya
Aisylu Mirhafizkhan
Alexey Slutsky
Daria Tagiltseva


Everyone is familiar with the feeling of shame — intense and chilling, explosive from within yet paralyzing, prompting an urge for immediate action or invoking a desire to hide away. It is agonising for us to feel shame and to speak of it, to be aware of it. A conversation without words, in body language, is the most painless way to take a closer look at this phenomenon and possibly overcome it. The new dance performance by musicAeterna Dance is indeed a conversation, a performance study of the phenomenon of shame. The expressive and corporeal manifestations of shame, as both a social phenomenon and a personal experience, serve as instruments for analysis and a quest for resolution — not merely to get away from the shameful situations that are an inescapable part of our lives, but to break free from the destructive weight of this emotion.


Aisylu Mirhafizkhan, Timur Ganeyev , Evgeny Kalachev , Elena Lisnaya, Maksim Klochnev , Aigulya Buzaeva , Aleksei Slutskii, Savva Korotych , Daria Tagiltseva, Daria Pavlenko, -

Dance Performance Shame

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